Sunday, August 26, 2012

blue ribbon winner at the fair

well, i didn’t actually win a blue ribbon, but i most definitely deserved one.  in what category you ask?  motherhood.  mom of the year.  mama del año. that. is. me.  why?  it’s a little bit of a story, but to sum it up i (falsely) assumed eli was not tall enough to go on upside-down rides.  we had just arrived at the fair when i saw a ride.  he was tall enough. we boarded. we smiled. we got ready. i snap a cute picture of Eli…
the ride starts. 
fun is had. 
height is gained.
“this is fun” he says.
more height gained…
"are we UPSIDE DOWN???"

i was videoing but turned off the camera when he started getting sketched out.  just so you know, he is not (horribly) permanently scarred.  he laughed about it right after we got off and no tears were lost.
after that, we tamed it down a bit…
lyla and the flying pink elephant…
us on the farris wheel
adam found jen’s entry…
we love baby goats!
eli really likes viper…what a blast


  1. Nathan loved the Viper. When he's tall enough to go on the bigger rides, we need to bring a buddy. Mommy is a scaredy-cat and Daddy gets motion sickness. Poor guy - he has the stomach of a jet pilot and wimps for parents! Glad you had fun!!

  2. Was that you laughing in the background on the video?
