Thursday, December 8, 2011

our six year old

eli turns 6 today. he’s been well celebrated over the last few days. he decided that this year he wanted an “all boy” party (this makes me sad because we have many, many great friends that happen to be girls). so the boys went and shot at each other in a nerf battle. eli was beyond excited and could hardly control himself. he was jumping on and wrestling anyone who would allow him.
the boys, readying for battle…
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cocked sideways like a gangsta’…really?
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i think the dad’s looked forward to it as much as the kiddos…
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julia came and played with lyla while the boys shot each other
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the battlefield…
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my sister in law had the awesome idea of a candy cake. eli LOVED it. the best part was that he got to help decorate it. he loved that too:)
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the gang enjoying cake and ice cream
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my grandma (turning 91!) has a birthday right after eli, so we had a family combo birthday for them…lyla helped her blow out the candles.
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it’s nice having cousins to celebrate with…
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i sat down to think about what to say about eli. it came to mind that i did that last year, so i went and saw what i wrote about him. apparently, he hasn’t changed that much…i could have written this about him today!
what eli is like at 5…er, 6
funny - loves hitting his forehead with his fist while hanging his tongue out of his mouth.
silly - has a great fondness of saying nonsense words and being "funny" (see above).
loud - see above
loving - always comforting lyla when she's hurt or sad.
persistent - persistent, persistent, persistent in everything.
sweet - to babies, especially girls.
rowdy - loves to wrestle, hit, fight and growl.
snugly - loves to snuggle. loves it when lyla lets him snuggle her.
inquisitive - about everything.
favorite toys: guns, knives, swords, axes and legos.
favorite foods: fish, steak, pancakes, french toast and anything with a good amount of sugar.
favorite pastimes: fighting, wrestling, pretending to be wild animals and video games.
Happy Birthday Eli!!!

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