Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the fair

we went to the fair yesterday with the fam. the kids had a blast on the rides. this girl behind eli cracks me up.

the wild and crazy kangaroo ride.

the very sad lyla when the ride stopped and she had to get off...

the round in circle car ride...

lyla enjoying the wind in her hair

very sad lyla at the conclusion of the car ride being comforted by daddy

peek...i love his little eyes

we were "bomber jets" and "fighter jets"

how cute is he...holding on for dear life with a squinted smile...

talk about holding on for dear life, lyla would not put this slushie down even to feed the animals. eventually, when her little brain was frozen solid, she gave it up to feed a goat...then immediately asked for it back.

eli and lyla checking out the baby quail...this makes me laugh.

and i don't know, do you think we should see a doctor for this?

1 comment:

  1. OK... I know I haven't seen you all in what a week :-) Lyla looks SO much older all of a sudden in these pictures! You all captured the fun and excited perfectly!
