Monday, April 27, 2009

shoshone falls

We were all sick last week:( i think adam and i got it the least. eli and lyla were pretty miserable. last weekend we were sick enough that we did not want to be around others to spread the wealth, but not sick enough to just lay around. i really dislike any sickness, but this kind is a bummer because eli felt bad, but still wanted to play.

my parents invited us to go to shoshone falls and niagara falls (not the niagara falls:). it was a fun little trip.

Shoshone falls

it was spectacular...windy, but spectacular.

us on one of the outlooks

niagra falls. these are springs coming right out of the hill side. the water is so blue and clear, it was amazing.

you can get an idea of the clarity here...

we also visited one of the many fish hatcheries in the area. here is grandma and eli looking at the growing fish.

lyla checking out the fish pond...

and last but not least, we went to some indoor hot springs. this was a really cool place. once again, the water was silky soft. they had diving boards, a log for log rolling, balls and a basketball hoop. they let you bring basically any kid flotation device in. some teenagers were jumping off the high dive and touching the ceiling. something you have to love about idaho is the rules, or lack there of (in comparison to ca).

Thanks mom and dad!

1 comment:

  1. Once again...amazing pics! Was it about a 2 hr drive to Shoshone falls? It looks beautiful!!! I am living in Idaho through the Jennings family :)
