we celebrated jenell’s birthday today. she is one of the most happy babies i have ever know. love her sweetness:)
5 years ago
our everydays
the kids took some rides on this board that teaches them how to water ski… |
hailey and jesse were the only ones that made it up… |
captain lyla with papa |
the pontoon boat on lucky peak was beautiful. it was one of those 105 days and the water was warmer than i've ever felt. it was a great day on the water… |
eli was in absolute pyro heaven. he loves explosions, fire, melting...you know, all the fun stuff:) |
the cul-de-sac was a perfect place for the show… |
there was lots of bubble eating… |
us… |
the camps… |
more camps:)… |
hailey had lyla. they have a great time together… |