Saturday, April 6, 2013

sweet messages...

lyla has been writing messages (in her secret language, of course) and putting them in her “coat pocket" (her bathrobe).
she was showed me the messages, but had to whisper their content.  here are some that i can recall…
satan is a meanie.
Jesus is the best!
God is better than anything in the whole wide world.
you and dad are the best.
i don’t know how both Jesus and adam and i are all the best, but since she’s four i'm going to let that one rest:) her sweetness is oozing today...


  1. Dear Katie. I know how that works about Jesus, Adam and you all being the best:and that is the best! Jesus, who is definitely the BEST, he is living in his fullness completely within YOU, therefore of course are you the best as well. Lola is a clever girl. So sweet. Love kathi from Switzerland

  2. Lyla! Sorry about the mistake. Kathi

  3. Kathi, that is just to sweet! Isn't our God amazing? Hope all is well in Switzerland!!! Love and miss you.
