Monday, December 10, 2012

eli is 7!

about eli at 7:
~this year has brought a lot of change for eli.  he started homeschooling  “for real” this year.  he is doing well and surpassing his teachers projections by leaps and bounds.  he would say he doesn’t like it, but he is enjoying being able to read and loves math.  he goes to tutoring once a week and looks forward to it every time.  homeschool co-op has been a blast for him this year and he especially likes lego class and the friends he has there.
~he still loves wrestling. fighting. guns. knives. skiing. beyblades. pokemon. and his friends.
~his new interest this year is drawing. he never liked it much until recently, but now it is one of his favorite pastimes.
~he’s loosing teeth like it’s going out of style…he only has 2 in the front right now and has lost 6 this year.
~until about an hour ago, he thought it was, “birtday.”  he just saw it written out and wanted to know if the “h” was silent:)
~oh, and he still has the sweetest heart.
we celebrated him with his cousins and a dinner at my parents house.  here they are making a massive beyblade arena…

instead of us decorating the cake, we gave them different candies and let them do it themselves…

the utmost concentration...

here’s eli with his cupcake…as you can see, there is more candy than cupcake…he love candy:) must be why he's so sweet:)
Happy Birthday Eli!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Eli!! I love how Eli and Lyla have the exact same expression in the last picture! Priceless!
