Thursday, August 5, 2010

so much fun

my cousin, chelsea, and her kids, isabelle and clark, are visiting from california. we've been doing "fun stuff" daily. this morning when clark woke up he said, "what fun thing are we doing today?!?" a few days ago we went to ann morrison with the porterfield ladies.

clark and eli admiring the fountain

lyla, isabelle, eli and clark

lyla and zoe were being so funny...they were travel sitting. they would go from place to place, sitting down for a second, then moving on to the next spot. here they are in a few of there of their locations...

suz and the girls enjoying some snacks...
warming up after a shower in the fountain...

1 comment:

  1. So my boys want to know if you will take us to that fountain the next time we come to visit??? Remind me to visit you guys in the summer next time... looks like lots of fun. :)
